It’s been a real battle but the hosts could only take one set as they surrendered to Ortona 1-3. Yet another disappointment for Potenza which can’t seem to get back on track. The team slips to seventh in the table, leapfrogged by Milan. The team found it hard to get into a rhythm as setters Pinelli and Miscio shared the minutes on court. The only positive note came from Moretti, top scorer of the game with 24 points.

Volley Potentino – Sieco Service Ortona 1-3

POTENZA PICENA: Romiti (L), De Leo, Caciorgna dnp, Bolla 12, Moretti 24, Zampetti 15, Lipparini, Tobaldi 3, Zamagni 8, Berni, Pinelli 2, Miscio. Coach. Graziosi

ORTONA: Cetrullo ne, Simoni 13, Guidone, Bruno 15, Matricardi dnp, Galliani 22, Gemmi, Pappadà (L) dnp, Sborgia 7, Di Meo 9, Lanci 3, Zito (L), Orsini. Coach. Lanci