Lube Banca Marche Macerata: 



Such a big heart for Lube Manca Marche. The team never gives up and after just missing the first set and after Treviso recovers in the fourth has been able to win the match 3-2 (23-25, 27-25, 25-23, 20-25, 15-11) thannks to an amazing Ivan Miljkovic: 29 points for him (52% out of  54 balls attacked, 1 block), and once again MVP of the match. Important to point out also the performance of Rodrigao (7 blocks), and Renaud Herpe (16 points, 58% in attacks, 69% in passing with  47% of perfect ones, 1 block). Next Sunday Game 3 at the Pala Baldinelli in Osimo at 6.15.PM