Itas Diatec Trentino:
Impressing number of people at Itas Diatec party: “Only one love, Trento in our hearts” celebrated yesterday in Trento. All the players and Coach Lattari celebrate will all the fans the great seasons just ended.
Once again the Trento supporters were just awesome. They cheered and said goodbyes to the team and the atmosphere was pretty much the same showed during the games.
A lot of local authorities were there too: Itas Diatec President Diego Mosna, Lorenzo Dellai and major Alberto Pacher. On the website: is is possible to watch the photo gallery of the party.

Trento, 4 MaY 2006

Trentino Volley S.p.A.

For more information:

Lanfranco Dallari, Marketing & Comunication Società Trentino Volley S.p.A.

Tel 0461-421377, e-mail: