Itas Diatec Trentino:

Itas Diatec Trentino lost 3-0 its first Semifinal match against Treviso. Trento has to use Dalla Lunga as libero because Bari is out for pneumonia.
The Trento starting six is Millar and Kooistra middleblockers, Meoni setter, Nascimento opposite, Savani and Morsut spikers.
Treviso starts with: Vermiglio setter, Fei opposite, Gustavo and Tencati middleblockers, Papi and Cisolla spikers and Farina libero.
Good start for Trento ahead 8-6 after the first time out and 16-15 after the second especially thanks to Savani and Kooistra. Trento keep playing well and reaches the advantage of 19-22. But Treviso fights back and with Papi, Fei and two Carletti blocks goes ahead 23-22. The sets is very tight but at the end Treviso is able to close it in its favour 26-24.
Second set with Heller replacing Kooistra. Also the second set is very tight at least at the beginning; score is set on 13-13 when Cisolla’ serves give a 6-0 break to Treviso able to win the set 25-17. 100% positive passing for Treviso and for Papi also 100% in attack.
Once again in the third set the score is tight until 10-10. Then Gustavo, Fei and Cisolla push Sisley that flies to 16-11. Trento tries the reaction but the match is clearly in Sisley hands that close the set 25-22. Papi has been voted MVP of the match.
Game 2 is scheduled on Tuesday 25 April at the PalaTrento at 5.30PM.

SISLEY TREVISO – ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO 3-0 (26-24, 25-17, 25-22)

SISLEY TREVISO: Fei 16, Vermiglio 1, Papi 11, Farina (L), Kral, Carletti 2, Endres 7, Tencati 8, Cisolla 8, Casoli. Bartoletti, Capra. Coach: Bagnoli Daniele.

ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Millar 3, Savani 9, Heller 5, Kooistra 4, Meoni, Nascimento 13, Cuminetti 1, Morsut 6, Della Lunga (L). Mescoli, De Paola. Coach: Lattari Radames.

REFEREES: Fabrizio Pasquali, Vittorio Sampaolo.

NOTES – Crowd 1700, Revenue 8600, sets lenght: 29′, 23′, 26′; tot: 78′.

Trento, 22 April 2006
Trentino Volley S.p.A.

For more information:
Lanfranco Dallari, Marketing & Comunication Società Trentino Volley.

Tel 0461-421377, e-mail: