Materdomini Volley.It Castellana Grotte: After an easy victory in the first set Mater does not play in the same way in the second and Isernia takes advantage of the Mater errors and close the second set in its favour. In the third set when everybody is waiting for Materdomini reaction, is still Isernia to play the best game, thanks also to a Nuzzo ankle injury. So also the third set is in favour of Isernia. In the fourth set Nuzzo is back on the court and his support is great especially in attack giving the chance to Mater to close the set and play the tiebreack.
Fifth set seems like the photocopy of the others with Isernia taking advantages of Mater errors and leading after the court change for 5-8. Isernia keeps playing better and close the set and the match with an ace. Next sunday Mater will play in Taviano keen on winning in front of its own crowd aftet the two consecutive losses.

Materdomini Isernia 2-3

MATERDOMINI VOLLEY: Meriggioli 7, Nuzzo 15, De Mori 7, Galdi 8, Libraro 19, Lo Re 9, Guglielmi 1, Lorenzoni 1, Lamoise, Di Noia, Rinaldi
serves errors 11, aces 3; blocks 11; positive passing81%, perfect 47%

ISERNIA: Alderman 3, Batte 12, Costantini 8, Rosso 11, Cricca 4, Spescha 26, Maresca, De Marco, Suglia, Scappaticcio, Longobardi.
serves errors 16, aces 7; blocks 7; positive passing 76%, perfect 49%

Press Office
Pier Paolo Lorizio