Sets: 25-18, 25-19, 25-23

Prisma Taranto : De Giorgi 0, Schuil 21, Giosa 2 , Heikkinen 6 , Castellano 13, Patriarca 10, Vicini (libero, 40% perfect passing), Ricciarello 0, Valdir ne, Gatin 2, Mazzarelli ne, Giretto 4. Coach Di Pinto
Acanto Mantova: Carletti 1, Milushev 19, Buti 1, De Togni 5, Mitrovic 5, Ricci Petitoni 1 , Checchin ( libero, 20% perfect passing), Kiossev 4, Hunter 0, Tamburi 0, Bernabè 2, Mosca 7. Coach Valdo

Refereesi: Bellini from Perugia and Turtù from Ascoli Piceno

Sets lenght: 23’, 27’, 27’ .

Notes: crowd 2047 – Taranto: serves errors 10, aces 10, blocks 5, point errors 5, attack 51%, perfect passing 37% – Mantova: serves errors 8, aces 3, blocks 5, point errors 6, attack 51%, perfect passing 28%..

Six years after the last promotion in A1, Taranto conquers again the right to partecipate to the best and most spectacul volleyball tournament of the world.
This promotion is a result strongly wanted since day one by president Bongiovanni and by all the players and by the coach.
The PalaMazzola crowded with joyous supporters started the celebration even before that the match was closed. And even if Mantova needed to make points to not get relegated, Taranto didn’t grant any discount even after the 2-0 that was already giving the certain promotion to Prisma.
After a tight beginning (8-6, 10-8) Taranto starts to play its best game and starts to lead the match (15-12, 17-13, 20-14, 23-16). In the second set Taranto starts really strongly (6-0 with also two Castellano aces). Mantova coach Vado tries to replace some players and get some results back (15-12). Even if Mantova tries to keep the set alive until the end (17-14, 19-16), it is Taranto to close also the second set.
The third set is just a formality and Giretto close the match for 25-19 and let the party get started.