Materdomini Volley.It Castellana Grotte: Today is Nuzzo 31st birthday. He won a Champions Cup and a World League with the National Team.

Q. Loreto victory has a seen a great performance of you and the team
R: I’m so happy of the way we played in Loreto. We need to get our “revenge” from the previous match lost also because we had not all our players at dipsosal.

Q. At th begining of the season your and Karabec arrival should have garanteed a great attack potential. Then Petr injuries shift all the responsabilities on your shoulders.
A. We are all very sorry for Petr. He had a very unlucky season. With him we could have had more possibilities and choices. Responsabilities never scared me and I think I didn’t disappointed who wanted me in this team.

Q. With 3 matches to play which goals can reach Mater?
A. To be honest we already reached one of our targets but that doesn’t mean that we can not get more. I am sure we will give our best to make our crowd happy.

Q. Sunday you will find for the second time in this team your first coach here in Castellana. What will you tell him?
A. With Pino Lorizio is not necessary say anything. I had a fantastic relationship with him and I consider him a very good coach. I am sorry I will give him another disappointment this year….

Q. What will your future be like?
A. My volleyball future is still unknown but I hope to keep staying here with the people I love and that love me!

Press Office
Pier Paolo Lorizio