Mail Service Corigliano: Mail Service won at home 3-1 against Loreto.
In the first set, Cordigliano starts well and clearly leads for the whole set (8-6, 16-8 and the final 25-15)
In the Second set, Loreto starts better especially in attack. Cordigliano stays in the match until the second time out (15-16) but then Loreto scores an important break and close the set 23-25.
In the third set Mail Service doesn’t play well and Loreto arrive at the second time out leading 13-16. After the time out there is the strong reaction of Cordigliano who closes the set 25-23.
In the fourth set Loreto starts again very well (3-8) but after the time out Cordigliano fights back and goes ahead 11-9. Very tight set until the end wher Mail service is able to close the match by winning the set 25-21

Press office Volley Corigliano

Mail Service Corigliano: Corvetta 2, Tomasello 4, Loglisci 8, Perez 18, Olteanu 30, Ristic 15, Roganti (L), De Marchi 1, Zaccareo N.E., Falcone, Olivieri N.E., Buracci N.E.,
Coach: Preti

Esse-Ti Carilo Loreto: Mattera 4, Peda 3, Durante 17, Rinoldo 11, Spairani 5, Pavan 8, Susio (L), Pecorari 9, Gatto, De Luca N.E., Biagiola N.E..
Coach: Giuliani

Final: 3-1
Sets: (25-15) (23-25) (25-23) (25-21)
Referees: Massimo Nassini and Roberto Berardi
NOTES – Sets lenght: 20’, 27’, 28’, 27’. Serves errors: Cordigliano 16, Loreto 8. Aces: Corigliano 3, Loreto 2. Blocks: Corigliano 12, Loreto 14. Crowd: around 200 people.