Fiorese Bassano: Boldo’s boys have been ahead 2-0 but allowed Ferrara to reach the tiebreak, won by Bassano. So Fiorese came out of the match with 2 points, not enogh to reach the play off yet. Now, after this disappointment, it is necessary to look ahead and think about the next Wednesday match, played at the PalaBassano against Arezzo. To comment the match is important to point out the very good match played by Dalla Libera, complitely recovered from the injury, and Karipidis almost unstoppable in attack. First set fighted until the 21-19. After that Bassano close the first set and the second set pretty easilly giving the impression of an easy victory. But Ferrara, that got nothing to lose, doesn’t give up and fight back by winning 3rd and 4th set.
In the final tiebreak Ferrara is always ahead until the 11-11. Then Bassano takes control and close the match.

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Bassano Volley
Mauro Sabino
Francesca Mengotti