Gherardi SVI Città di Castello: 3-0
GHERARDI SVI: Visentin 3, Van Walle 20, Rosalba 10 , Fromm 15, Piano 7, Braga 6, Tosi (L), Massari 1, Franceschini, Carminati , Grasso. DNP.: Grasso, Lensi (2L). Coach Radici.
GLOBO SORA:Paolucci , Mazzone 3, Milushev 8, Patriarca 8, Siltala 9,Anzani 1, Romiti (L), Cacciatore 1, Fortunato 6, Hendricks , Paris 1, Scuderi. Coach.Ricci
Superb performance from Città di Castello which got rid of the league leaders, Sora, in just over an hour of play and took the command of the standings with a third sweep in as many games.