In its last test before the league debut (Vibo Valentia on Sunday), Trentino registered a prestigious 3-1 victory against another side that will take part in the coming Champions League from October, the Germans of Unterhaching. Juantorena was cautiously rested while Lanza and Burgsthaler were given a go as they will surely come in handy during the season. Kaziyski finished top scorer with 19 points and 56% in attack. The best for the Germans was former Piacenza player Dünnes with 25 points and 67%.
Itas Diatec Trentino-Generali Unterhaching 3-1
(25-17, 22-25, 25-23, 25-22)
ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Birarelli 8, Raphael 2, Lanza 13, Djuric 7, Stokr 14, Kaziyski 19, Bari (L); Colaci (L), Burgsthaler 4, Chrtiansky 2, Uchikov. Dnp. Sintini e Valsecchi. Coach. Radostin Stoytchev.
GENERALI: Skladany 1, Safranovich 6, Raymaekers 8, Dünnes 25, Snippe 12, Shumov 6, Hupka (L); Hirsch, Steuerwald, Strohbach, Den Boer, Friedrich 1. Dnp. Prüsener. Coach. Mihai Paduretu.