Premier Hotels Crema: Premier shows once again to be a smart team and, in a not very good match, gets the best result with the minimum effort. The last night Bassano is for sure very far from the team everybody exepted. So Premier wins 3-0 in front of the Exs Motta and Maia, in the crowd. Among the Blues absent Jankovic for injury.
Blues passing suffer Jankovic absence at the beginning and takes awhile to be back on track. Cazzaniga is the top scorer with 17 points. Egeste unstoppable in attack (100%) and Caprotti shows amazing defenses.
Pitty for Danilo Finazzi injury: a twisted ankle will keep him out for about two weeks.
Great satisfaction for young Parolo Crosatti, scorfing his first point in Serie A2 with an ace, followed by the crowd standing ovation.
So Pineto and Gioia are still behind for 9 points, while Loreto defeated in Isernia lose points again.
Next week Premier will be in Gioia del Colle.

In the pic: Paolino Crosatti: first point in Serie A for him!