ìA press conference took place to unveil Gitto and Cisolla.

“I am extremely happy to have chosen Latina and that this opportunity was given to me – said Cisolla – This is a serious club where you can work very well. I’m not the only one to say so, this is a well-known fact. These is a crucial basis for an athlete of my age, if you don’t work well in the gym you can’t keep up physically and technically. It’s not easy to find a club that gives you these basis”.

Carmelo Gitto: “I have to admit that my first year in Latina was very tough, especially to settle in the group. In the second year, things changed and I felt part of the team. And the group, team spirit, was precisely our strength last year. I decided to stay because I want to keep playing in the A1. Every year, I try to get better to reach my best. The progress is slower for a middle blocker, in my position I am still considered a young player”.