Padova added two players to its roster. It signed Hiosvany Salgado from Castellana Grotte, a Cuban middle blocker with Italian passport that has done extremely well in the division in recent years. He earned promotion twice in two years with Ravenna and Castellana Grotte. In 2011-12, he scored 212 points in 29 games, in which 56 blocks. “Salgado is a top quality player – said coach Schiavon – He will be one of our main men. He has great physical attributes and experience in this division”.
The club welcomed another middle blocker in Marco Volpato. Born in 1990 in Vicenza, the youngster is coming off a good season with Bassano. “Padova is an ambitious place to be – said Volpato – I am proud to sign for this club, I will be guided by coach Schiavon, who has always worked well with young players”.