BancaEtruria Eurospar Arezzo:
(23-25, 21-25, 20-25)
BANCAETRURIA EUROSPAR AREZZO: Tiberti 2, Juricic 3, Russo 5, Lirutti 5, Suela 9, Maric 17, Vanni (L), Grassini 0, Francesconi 1, Czekiel 6, D’Elia 0. Non entrato: Salvi.
Coach: Riccardo Provvedi.
TELEUNIT GIOIA DEL COLLE: Fabroni 1, Polidori 7, Baldaccini 3, Batez 13, Abbadi 8, Divis 18, Viva (L), Gelli 0, Giovannetti 0. Non entrati: Tedeschi, Spennato e Christiansen.
Coach: Vincenzo Mastrangelo.
Referees: Braico e Genna.
Crowd: 893.
Time of the sets: 26′, 24′, 24′.
AREZZO: 2 ace, 16 serves errors, 80% passing (63% perfect, 56% attack, 4 blocks (1 Russo, 1 Lirutti, 1 Juricic, 1 Czekiel), 5 errors.
GIOIA DEL COLLE: 0 ace, 11 serves errors, 78% passing (60% perfect), 62% attacks, 9 blocks (5 Polidori, 3 Batez, 1 Abbadi), 5 errors.

Big stop for BancaEtruria Eurospar Arezzo against the Teleunit Gioia del Colle wall. Gioia del Colle easilly win at the PalaCaselle confirming to be one of the best team of the championship; and now they reach the 3rd position in the ranking. A bad loss for Arezzo.
The first set was not bad for the local team with a very tight score up to 23-24 but then Gioia del Colle closes the set at the first opportunity.
In the second set Arezzo, thank to Goran Maric, gives a lead of 6-3 first and 9-6 then. But Gioia del Colle keeps the level high and, at the second time out the score is in its favour 13-16. Coach Provved tries to shakes his boys and the team arrives to 16-16 but a Gioia del Colle break (17-21) virtually close also the second set 21-25 despite the replacements (Francesconi, Czekiel and D’Elia for Lirutti, Juricic and Tiberti). In the 3rd set Gioia del Colle is ahead already at the first time out: 6-8. Arezzo has problems to get through Gioia blocks: 9-12, 13-16. Provvedi team loses its concentration and get down 13-18. The match is clearly almost over. With Batez, Davis and Abbadi Gioia close the set and the match 20-25. A false step for Arezzo but the team is still in a safe position of the ranking. Now it’s time to forget this bad day and start focusing immidiately to the very difficult match of next week against Mantova.

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BancaEtruria Eurospar Arezzo