The holders of the Under 16 title, Trentino, will have a chance to make a repeat as it overcame Treviso in the semifinal 3-0. The last barrier to this special double will be Milan.

“We dream of remaining champion of Italy, we really wanted to qualify for this final – said coach Francesco Conci – We made it with two tough wins today, but it’s normal that when you get to that stage things get difficult. While we did not express all our potential against Castellana Grotte, we really stepped up against Treviso”.

Quarter final:
Trentino Volley-Materdomini Castellana Grotte 3-1
(25-20, 25-18, 27-29, 25-19)
TRENTINO VOLLEY: Massaccesi 12, Bosetti 5, Giannelli 13, Codarin 18, Cristofaletti 12, De Angelis 9; Tomasi A., Dalla Torre. dnp. Alberini, Failoni, Tomasi D.. dnp. Demozzi. coach. Francesco Conci.
MATERDOMINI CASTELLANA GROTTE: Atene, Braico, Curci, De Serio, Di Brindisi, Di Masi, Fuentes, Mangini, Matera, Mazzarelli, Marchitelli, Nero, Petrosillo, Valente. Coach. Vincenzo Fanizza.

Trentino Volley-Sisley Treviso 3-0
(25-21, 25-19, 26-24)
TRENTINO VOLLEY: Massaccesi 10, Bosetti 2, Giannelli 8, Codarin 10, Cristofaletti 19, De Angelis 9; Tomasi A.. DNP. Demozzi, Dalla Torre, Alberini, Failoni, Tomasi D.. Coach. Francesco Conci.
SISLEY TREVISO: Pinarello, Marsili, Bolzonella, Durigon, Lazzaro, Favero, Gashi, Bacchin, Mazzon, Torresin, Luisetto, Manchiaro. Coach. Leonardo Renosto.