The coach appointed to guide the new Reggio Emilia, born out of the fusion of Cavriago Volley and Correggio Volley will be Luca Cantagalli. A press conference will be set in the next few days to make the announcement official. Born in Cavriago, Cantagalli has been part of the greatest successes of the Italian national team as a player: he won 2 World Championships, 3 European Championships, 4 World Leagues, and one silver medal at the Olympic Games. And at club level, he boasts seven league titles among many other trophies. Before ending his amazing playing career, he had wanted to wear the shirt of ‘his’ Cavriago, as the club was in its first year in the A2 (2006-07). He has also been part of the club in the managerial staff and then as coach.