Prisma Taranto: Coach Vincenzo Di Pinto talks again about the elimination of the A2 Coppa Italia final four. “First of all I would like to renew my compliments to Taviano and to coach Gulinelli. Then I want to point out that I didn’t consider the Cup a secondary target but a prestigious moment for us: but I always said that our main goal has always been the promotion to A1. Winning the cup and not be at the first spot of the ranking at the end of the season, would have been a failure. Now it’s time to focus again our efforts only to the Championship and forget about this accident.”

Monday night at the coach house, there has been a beautiful party with the players and the technical staff. A useful moment to get the group back together.

“The party has been scheduled long ago without thinking to the result of Coppa Italia. I wanted to celebrate my birthday and I did promised to the boys that I would have invited them at my place if we had won the match against Crema.”

Now there is a very diffuclt match, on sunday against Bassano. What do you think about it?

“The match is gonna bereally tough. The pressure will be equally splitted between us and them. They must win with us if they don’t want to get too far from the play-off zone.”

How did you programmed the preparation for the final rush)

“Up to Crema match, I thought the work in a specific way thinking to a path that would end with the Crema match. With the Coppa Italia we had to work thinking to the single match but after Bassano we can go back and reschedule our work with a path ending with the most important matches: Loreto (on the 19th of March), Gioia del Colle (on the 22nd) and Arezzo (on the 26th).”

Is it difficult to get results and a big contes such as Taranto?

“Well, I would like to say that you can’t relate teams like Goia, Taviano and Castellana with the reality of Taranto because they are very different for potential and projects. The techincal, economical and maketing project, wanted by president Bongiovanni and General Manager Zelatore, is way different comparing the one of the other Puglia’s team. It has as the only big goal the Seria A1 which means to be back of the big national volleyball. The other volleyball teams are trying to grow gradually and they are looking for an high level techinical stability. ”

But the Puglia reality has considerally growed in the past years.

“There is going to be a future to analize deeply the situation but it’s clear that in Puglia there is a big volleyball movement and it can even get better.”

Does Dipinto has a hidden dream?
“Now I jointed the ambitious project of Taranto Volley and I hope I will be able to be happy about it very soon. I would really like though, to get the chance to fight for winning the A1 Championship or be able to play the Champions Cup. But now it’s time to think only to win the A2.”