Reggio Emilia won 4-0 in Ravenna’s Pala Costa arena. This follows the 3-1 success over Monza. Reggio found it hard to stop the pair Sirri-Moro who combined for 33 points but still won every set. On Sunday, the team will be back in action in the Star Trophy in Carpi.

CMC Ravenna-Edilesse Conad Reggio Emilia 4-0 (27-25, 25-19, 25-17, 25-19)

CMC Ravenna: Mengozzi 5, Leonardi 5, Bendandi, Corvetta 3, Sirri 17, Tabanelli (L), Gallosti (2° L), Gherardi 7, Moro 16, Brunner 10, Ricci 2, Saviotti 6. Coach. Babini

Edilesse Conad Reggio Emilia: Luppi 8, Aurelio 8, Bigarelli, Orduna, Tondo 1, Casadei 13, Dall’Olio, Goi (2° L), Rigoni 4, Ippolito 10, Gallotta 11, Peli (L).Coach. Conte