Adriano Paolucci is the official voice of Roma. He has cumulated a lot of experience over the years between the A1 and A2 and his opinion are extremely valuable.

“This will be an important and interesting season – said Paolucci – This will surely be a different one than the one we sealed with a bit of bitterness last April. The club has done a good job on the market, there could have been even more additions but the team is undoubtedly more solid and more balanced compared to last season. Three factors make me think that it will not take us long in September to find a good understanding despite the many new players: first of all because many come from one unique club, Treviso, then because four are in the national team with coach Giani, and finally because of the togetherness that us veterans, me, Lebl, Cisolla and Corsano can create on court”.