Game 1 of the play out phase well played by the boys of Dore Della Lunga, who take full loot against the Diavoli Rosa Brugherio. Francesco Andriola, middle blocker of The Begin, among the best in his role, with 129 points scored and 42 blocks scored in the regular season, comments on the match: “we were aware of having to start this phase with a positive result and we did it; we played the match with the right mentality starting from the work in training during the week. It’s true, we had a dry spell at the beginning of the second set but coach Della Lunga pulled the chestnuts out of the fire thanks to a series of substitutions. We responded as a team, those who entered brought back quality of play and despite the lost set, for the rest of the match we were no longer “distracted”.
In the next round the white-blues will be busy in Campobasso where Spike Devil’s Campobasso will be waiting for them.