We have read with great attention the latest statements of the Commissioner of the Mediterranean Games Massimo Ferrarese and followed by those of the President of the Taranto Chamber of Commerce Enzo Cesareo and Senator Mario Turco.

We do not agree with the timing given to this identifiable initiative, if we have understood correctly, following the holding of the Mediterranean Games (August 2026). If there must be support, if there must be a different strategic vision towards all sport in the City – and towards all those who carry out highly qualified social action through sport – it must be guaranteed now and not after the Mediterranean Games.

The postponement for another two years of the urgent and necessary interventions, aimed at involving the sporting realities, the strong economic subjects of the Territory or interested in the Territory, Politics and Institutions in a common project, must be implemented immediately. We must immediately identify concrete formulas to support sports organizations in difficulty and those that intend to give different economic contents to their action, useful for planning sports projects that are competitive from a technical and economic point of view with the large entities of Northern Italy and Europe.

Postponing would make no sense as what we all see is a highly compromised picture. If we continue to postpone, the beautiful sports structures useful for the Mediterranean Games will probably be built, there will probably be an international showcase for our city for those twenty days of activity but, certainly, at the end of the event these beautiful structures will risk being cathedrals in the desert.