Fano and Macerata, or rather a derby between two newly promoted teams still without points in the standings, without forgetting the debut of the Virtussini in a boiling Palas Allende: there were all the conditions to experience an afternoon of great emotions and so it was.

The icing on the cake were the three points won by Mastrangelo’s boys: “We knew that Palas Allende would be our fort – says MVP Federico Roberti, author of 22 points with 4 aces and 5 winning blocks – from the second set onwards we were much more orderly, suffering less from their aggressive block and managing to do well with the counterattack. Let’s remember that Macerata, already faced last year in A3, is a top-level team with expert and technically strong players.”

Decisive audience today too: “Absolutely yes – continues the class of 2004 – especially in important moments they did not lack their support. That’s good, I’m sure that as time goes by we will become more and more confident with our means.”

Thrown into the fray by coach Mastrangelo, Federico Compagnoni was immediately ready and played a good part of the match: “I’m a bit surprised – says the Lombard – I’ve played very few times in front of this crowd. I have seen few arenas so full, I experienced a great emotion today.”

At the end of the match, central defender Stefano Mengozzi turned his thoughts to his friend Gidio, who passed away last Friday, to whom he dedicated this victory: “He was a special person and did a lot for me, I was very close to him”.