Last two test matches this week for Gabbiano Farmamed Mantova, who are marching briskly towards their championship debut, set for Sunday 20 October at 5pm against the Diavoli Rosa Brugherio, within the friendly walls of the PalaSguaitzer.

And the penultimate friendly match of the season will take place on the home parquet tomorrow, at 8.45pm, against Personal Time San Donà, a team that the biancazzurri met four times last year, with a perfectly equal score.

On Saturday afternoon, starting from 5pm, the last test against Negrini CTE Acqui Terme, before finally diving into the championship atmosphere. Both matches will have free entry.

Coach Serafini will not yet be able to use the hammer Raul Parolari, who has been kept resting as a precaution due to slight discomfort in his abdominals. The bands department will therefore be “property” of captain Gola, Scaltriti and the Brazilian Massafeli, perfectly capable of also covering the role of hammer receiver.

And it is Riccardo Scaltriti who takes stock ten days before the start of the Credem Banca A3 series tournament: «The friendlies we have played have given us something positive – explains the band born in 1994 – but we have to see the things we can improve on and the situations game to clean and arrange. We absolutely cannot exempt ourselves from this type of work. We are on track by working hard in the gym, and the next two friendlies are important testing grounds for our start to the championship.