There is less and less left until the start of the season for Plus Volleyball Sabaudia, the Pontine team involved in the A3 men’s volleyball championship. The Sabaudia team, led by coach Nello Mosca, will make their debut on October 13th at the Ortona sports hall and then play their first match at home, at the Antonio Vitaletti sports hall in Sabaudia, on October 20th in the match against Napoli. The team is training and completing the pre-season preparation phase

«We are approaching the start of the championship with the awareness of having done a good job and with the right amount of curiosity to attend the first official match of our boys – assures the sporting director of Sabaudia Paolo Torre – like all the teams, especially in this period, we have had some problems even if, in our case, we have had a few too many injuries which have created some problems for us in recent weeks but this is part of the game, we are aware of it, we accept it and we carry on just like everyone does. The objectives? We certainly want to start well to try to stay in the top areas of the table, this is the team’s objective, also because we don’t want to repeat the trend of last season in which we made a complicated start and then found ourselves having to recover, even This is why we don’t want to repeat last year’s mistake. We are certainly aiming for a good start because we are sure that the ranking will be very tight and this leads us to work in a certain way, even the boys and staff are aware of this.”

Meanwhile, Plus Volleyball Sabaudia is preparing for the joint training scheduled in Sabaudia, on Saturday at 6.00 pm, with Campobasso, the team where the former Urbanovicz plays. Entrance is free for the public.