An excellent opportunity to test men and equipment in view of the imminent start of the championship.
The A3 Series is approaching and Domotek Volley has staged a joint training session against Aquila Bronte.
The Etna team was the Saturday guest of Palacalafiore, a team that dueled with Reggio in the past season in Serie B.
Mister Polimeni’s boys won all four sets played.
25 to 21, 25 to 20, 25 to 19 and 25 to 14.
Esposito and captain Laganà, alongside Picardo, Stufano, Lazzaretto and Soncini in the starting six with De Santis as libero.
After a balanced start, Enrico Lazzaretto took control in the first set.
Following, space and excellent feedback for the opposite Spagnol, the American Kevin Lamp, Murabito, Pugliatti and more.
Signs of exponential growth for the American from Chicago.
On Tuesday 1st October, Domotek will continue their journey by playing an away test against their peers Modica.