The last pre-season test of OmiFer Palmi ends with a 3 sets to 1 victory. In front of the friendly public at PalaSurace, the team led by coach Andrea Radici engaged in joint training with Avimecc Modica, a team that plays in the A3 series championship, in the best of four sets.

The home team, after losing the first set by a whisker, took center stage during the match, making the match its own and thus continuing with a positive result the approach to the historic debut of the A2 championship scheduled for next 6 October.

The match opened with a first set won by Modica, good at surprising the home team in the first few balls of the game and gaining a lead defended tooth and nail by OmiFer’s comeback, until the final 23/25.

Radici calls his team to pay greater attention and the music changes: the subsequent sets showcase good volleyball from Carmelo Gitto and his teammates who put things back on par during a practically one-sided second set closed at 25/16 . Palmi continues to push while Modica tries to respond blow for blow: the two teams fight head-on and the result is an enjoyable match that excites the spectators present. Third set still the prerogative of Palmi who, dragged by Benavidez, closes at 25/18. Fourth set that seems to be without history with OmiFer even extending by ten points but with Modica fighting until the end and finishing in a comeback which however does not change the final outcome of the match. Palmi wins again, closing on 25/22 which certifies the final 3 to 1.