The fifth week of work for Avimecc Modica ends with tonight’s joint training with Franco Tigano at the “PalaSurace” in Palmi as they are rapidly approaching their debut in the championship, set for 13 October at the “PalaRizza”. against Domotek Reggio Calabria.

It was a difficult and troubled week spent by the “Galletti”, who were unable to work at full capacity due to the health problems experienced by almost the entire group.

“We are in the fifth week of preparation – begins coach Enzo Distefano – and we are getting ever closer to the first regular season championship on October 13th. It was a difficult week due to a virus, which affected a large part of the team, but this too was overcome within 36 hours and we started again immediately with greater motivation even if due to this small hitch we were forced to cancel joint training with Reggio Calabria”.

Today a test match is scheduled at the “PalaSurace” in Palmi with the Franco Tigano team that will participate in the A2 series championship, what does Enzo Distefano expect to see from this friendly?

“Every test match – underlines the Avimecc Modica coach – whether it is against a team that plays in lower or higher leagues as is the case of Palmi tonight is important because we meet a team with good technical values ​​to face the A2 series and I take advantage of this opportunity to wish them a good championship. For me this trip to Calabria is therefore very important to understand the level of growth of each member of my team”.