Lightness, complicity, friendship beyond the internet. After Hours – La SuperLega di notte returns on Sunday 29 September, the talk broadcast live on the Lega Pallavolo Serie A Facebook page and YouTube channel, with Andrea Zorzi, Andrea Brogioni and the protagonists of Serie A Credem Banca.

As usual, for the fifth season in a row, the fixed appointment will be at 9.30pm on Sunday, to comment on the events and protagonists of the day, in a virtual lounge that blends competence and informality, in an atmosphere that has increasingly impressed and encouraged athletes, coaches and managers to participate.

“I believe that one of the rewarding aspects of After Hours – The Super League at night is the simplicity of its formula, despite the specificity of the topics covered. The thing that is positively surprising – explains Andrea Zorzi – is that, when we contact people to ask for their availability, we never perceive the snort of ‘I have to do this too’, but the pleasure of being involved. This is definitely gratifying.”

“Over time, the spaces in the official media have reduced – continues Zorzi – and today the players realize that journalists are often looking for controversial ideas. In After Hours, Brogio and I are not there to criticize for its own sake, although we are clearly asking questions about victory and defeat. What makes me happy is also relationships between them, joking and being in company.”