For Tinet Prata in Pordenone will be a real party. But Belluno Volley does not intend to take on the role of a simple guest: on the contrary, it will want to have its say and play an important role in the comparison with a higher category reality. Tomorrow (Saturday 28 September, 6pm), in fact, the rhinos will be on stage in Friuli for the third test of the season.

SPARKLING ATMOSPHERE – A party for the hosts? Yes, because the face-to-face match will be developed in a renovated sports hall like the PalaPrata: the facility will feature a new central grandstand and a curve. Not only that: in this context, Tinet will reveal all the girls and boys who make up its youth sector. In short, the atmosphere will be quite lively. But Belluno Volley does not lose sight of its focus, as coach Matteo De Cecco testifies: «Staying attached to every set is the objective of the next match. If possible, we will have to try to eliminate the empty passes that influenced us in Brescia.” Speaking of Brescia, the blue and whites won a partial win over both Atlantide and Libertas Cantù: «The first two matches gave us indications on our form and our technical abilities. The progress is evident, in line with the work carried out and marked by double daily sessions”.

MAXIMUM DEDICATION – Despite the physical problem faced by Fabio Bisi (the captain is following a differentiated path together with the staff), the preparation at the Spes Arena continues in the best way: «This group has a high level of work culture – he adds De Cecco -. Everyone, or almost everyone, brings with them Super League or A2 experience. The dedication is maximum.”