This morning the press conference of the Juventus first team was held in view of the imminent start of the 80th season of SuperLega 2024_25. The choice of the location, the Loggia and Odeo Cornaro, was not accidental: for several seasons, in fact, our company has decided to organize press conferences in some of the most historic and iconic places in Padua, with the aim of enhancing the city ​​and strengthen the deep bond between the club and the territory. This bond is further represented by the “Padova Picta” logo on the team uniforms, a symbol of the union between sport and the promotion of cultural heritage.

During the press conference, the host, the Sports Councilor of the Municipality of Padua, Diego Bonavina, the President of Pallavolo Padova, Giancarlo Bettio, and Massimo Vecchio, Marketing Manager of Sonepar for the North Business Area, new Juventus title sponsor. At the end, coach Jacopo Cuttini addressed the audience to share expectations and objectives for the next season. During the press conference, the new Sonepar Padova uniforms were officially presented to the city, already unveiled in preview during the 2024-25 Team Presentation Evening at the Kioene Arena.

The SuperLega season will start for the Juventus team on Saturday 28 September at 8.30pm, away in Civitanova at the Eurosuole Forum, against Lube, with the match broadcast live on Rai Sport and VBTV. The first home match will be held on Sunday 6 October, at 5pm, at the Kioene Arena, and will see Sonepar Padova face Sir Susa Vim Perugia.