On Wednesday 25 September, coach Danilo Durand’s Serie A3 team will have the great pleasure of taking to the field, at 6.00 pm, at the Powervolley Academy in Milan, for a joint training session together with the Philippine men’s national team led by the Italian coach Angiolino Frigoni, who is building a team that can represent the nation at the highest international levels.

2025 will in fact be an important year for the Asian world which will host the Men’s Volleyball World Championships from 12 to 28 September in Pasay and Quezon City in the Philippines and precisely with a view to this important event the Philippine Federation has decided to organize a two-week tour in Italy, which includes the appointment with the Diavoli Rosa and Allianz Milano.

On Wednesday 25 September the rosanero coat of arms and the three stars and a sun will meet together on the pitch in this event with an international flavour, a date to remember.

Furthermore, this will be a further test for the very young A3 series led by coach Danilo Durand in view of the ever closer start of the championship; less than a month and the pink and black colors will return to the taraflex of the Credem Banca Serie A3.

It will be played at the Powervolley Academy, Piazzale Lorenzo Lotto in Milan at 6pm on Wednesday 25 September. Free entry.