Emma Villas Siena has entered into a partnership with the Old Wild West in viale Toselli, 41, in Siena. It is a very important collaboration for the Sienese company with a well-known and appreciated brand, a restaurant chain that has hundreds of businesses in Europe and other continents.

The collaboration allows the activation of various promotions: all Emma Villas Siena members and season ticket holders for the 2024-2025 season, now about to begin with the first day of the championship scheduled for 6 October at PalaEstra against Aversa, will be entitled to at a 10% discount.

Furthermore, “while you taste our meats and our burgers in the restaurant in Viale Toselli – they say from Old Wild West – you will be able to win free and promotional tickets to watch the great volleyball live”.

“We are very happy to have activated this partnership – declares Federica Sandrucci, director of the Old Wild West restaurant in viale Toselli. – Emma Villas Siena is a beautiful team, which has been permanently in Serie A for many years now. We follow the team and support the white and blue club, in the hope that this year too it can achieve other important goals.  The volleyball movement is growing enormously and here in Siena we have the opportunity to see great volleyball, with a club that has already played in the Super League for two seasons and which always sets itself important objectives. With this partnership we hope to activate a beautiful collaboration that can be profitable for both companies.”