Two sets on each side and a calm and friendly atmosphere, the ideal conditions to carry out a fundamental step in the preparation in view of the start of the championship.

From the first joint training of the season, at the Palajacazzi in Aversa together with the local Evolution Green team, Rinascita Volley Lagonegro comes out with many positive sensations and some more certainties, in a phase of work where the loads are quite hard and heavy.

After the first two sets in favor of the hosts (25-18, 25-21), coach Pino Lorizio’s boys know how to react and obtain the subsequent partials (21-25, 22-25), framing interesting game plots, but above all showing off a character that never gives in to a higher category team (A2).

The red and white coach, in commenting on his team’s performance, underlines: “I had excellent general impressions, considering the period of intense physical work. As I had predicted, there is still a lot of work to be done, especially on the fundamentals (serve and block) to which we have dedicated ourselves less so far. Without a doubt we will return to the gym with greater certainties and we will continue our work to be ready for the start of the championship.”

The setter Federico Bonacchi is on the same wavelength: “From this training we had good feedback in terms of desire and commitment, in fact, although there were some dark moments during the match, we came out of it calmly and calmly, taking advantage of our points. of strength and above all without giving up. We still have to work hard to get to top form and be able to demonstrate what we are worth.”

The next joint training session will always take place together with the Campania team, but on reversed pitches: appointment on Wednesday 25 September at the Palasport of Villa d’Agri.