Conad Reggio Emilia returns home bitter from the test match against Cantù, from which they emerge defeated by 4 sets to 0. The test certainly gave indications to the technical staff of where the team is at, of what good can be taken and what still needs to be worked on to start the Regular Season in the best possible way.

Carlo De Angelis, libero from Reggio, believes there is still a lot to work on: “We have taken steps backwards, in my opinion, compared to the other two joint training sessions that we played. We need to roll up our sleeves and go back to the gym to work even harder, because the championship is now just around the corner, there are only three weeks left. The level of the game certainly needs to be raised and quite a bit. However, something did come out, for example, problems to solve, to take to the gym and cure, in this sense you still manage to find something good. However, the evaluation cannot be positive because the play expressed was not up to the standard of this team.”

He is followed by Paolo Bonola, central defender of the Granata, who hopes to do better in the next joint training session, again with Cantù, this time at the PalaBigi in Reggio Emilia on Saturday 21 September: “The way I see it, the positive thing that we must take home is certainly the awareness that we have to work hard, we have to work more than others, because clearly at this moment it is clear that we are behind the standards that are required.