In the background the splendid choreography created in memory of the unforgettable Gioia fan Gianni Angelillo.
In the foreground, a little girl and a boy who, waving their flags, appear, for the first time, on the prestigious stage of the A3 series, animated by that overwhelming passion for volleyball and for the red and white colors that has always made the heart of an entire city, uniting multiple generations.
A passion that knows no age.
An endless passion.
The Joy Volley Gioia del Colle season ticket campaign for the 2024/2025 sports season is officially open.
Awaited by its first experience in the A3 Credem Banca championship, the company of president Gianni D’Elia is calling together fans and enthusiasts, promoting two different formulas to watch the first ten matches at the PalaCapurso:
– 24 euros for subscribing to the Gradinata “G. Angelillo” season ticket;
– 40 euros for subscribing to the numbered grandstand subscription.

The purchase of a numbered grandstand season ticket does not give you the right to choose your seat.

During the regular season the cost of a single ticket will be 3 euros for the “G. Angelillo” Grandstand and 5 euros for the numbered Grandstand.
Access to PalaCapurso will be free for under 14s and for people with disabilities and companions.