The third week of preparation for the Lagonegro Volleyball Rebirth is coming to an end. Credem Banca’s home debut in Serie A3 on 13 October against Campobasso is fast approaching; therefore, it is more necessary than ever to put a lot of fuel in your legs and assimilate the tactical dictates of coach Lorizio and his staff.

A particularly intense week, it is no coincidence that the coach, in addition to the usual Sunday, granted a further half day of rest to recharge the batteries and start again as planned on Monday morning.

Physical and preventive work in the weight room and many technical-tactical exercises at the Palasport of Villa d’Agri: in recent days, the coach has insisted on the development and growth of understanding between the various players, measuring himself with the various game situations that can happen during matches. “It was a particularly hard week of work – explains center back Gabriele Tognoni – we concentrated on the playing phase, especially with a view to the joint training sessions with the other clubs that we will face in the next few days. Specifically, our attention was focused on the more orderly situations, such as free balls and high ball ones, in which we must remain particularly vigilant to make the most of them, both in attack and defense.”

In addition to the technical aspect, the 24-year-old originally from Alessandria reserves honeyed words for his teammates: “A wonderful feeling is being created, everyone is working at their maximum and this stimulates them to do more and more and grow, not surprisingly training after training you can see big margins for improvement. Here in Basilicata I found a very fun and stimulating environment – ​​continues Tognoni – I am really happy with the work we are doing”.