Having concluded the third week of preparation in view of the start of the A3 series championship, where Avimecc Modica will be at the starting line for the sixth consecutive year, the blue and white sextet was officially presented to the city.

In a packed “Pietro Floridia” Auditorium, the management chaired by Ezio Aprile, in the evening presented by the journalist Chiara Scucces, made the seasonal objectives and programs official and in the voice of the General Director Luca Leocata thanked the sponsors who have embraced the cause of Volley Modica the only team to represent Sicily in an important championship like the Serie A3.

The occasion was also useful to present to the city the staff who will lead the youth sector, the pride of the club which last season achieved important results which confirm the quality of the work carried out in recent years.

Present at the presentation of the “Galletti” were the mayor Maria Monisteri, the president of the City Council, Maria Cristina Minardo, the president of the Monti Iblei Committee, Gianni Giurdanella and the regional councilor, Alice Garofalo.

Meanwhile, the blue and white management is working to complete the roster available to coach Enzo Distefano who is making his boys work hard and with a spirit of self-sacrifice they are pushing hard to find the best form before the start of the championship scheduled for 13 October at “PalaRizza” with the challenge in Reggio Calabria.

“We have concluded the third week of preparation – explains Enzo Distefano – and I am satisfied with how the situation is evolving because we are putting more and more fuel into our legs by continuing the work in the weight room to which this week has been added the work on the sand and in the water it gave us even more intensity.