The curtain rose on the new SuperLega season this morning when, at 12.30, the twenty-ninth edition of the Del Monte® Supercoppa was presented, scheduled for 21 and 22 September 2024 at Palazzo Wanny in Florence. Inside the Sala di Lorenzo in Palazzo Vecchio, in Florence, the authorities gathered in the Tuscan capital officially presented the first event of the year, with a team including Sir Susa Vim Perugia, Gas Sales Bluenergy Piacenza, Itas Trentino and Vero Volley Monza who will have the opportunity, on the occasion of the Final on Sunday 22 September, to raise the first trophy of the sporting year to the sky. The event is organized by the Serie A Volleyball League Credem Banca in collaboration with the FIPAV Tuscany Regional Committee and the FIPAV Florence Territorial Committee, with the patronage of the Tuscany Region and the Municipality of Florence.

Here you can consult the photo gallery of the event:

Massimo Righi, President of the Serie A Volleyball League, and Letizia Perini, Sports Councilor of the Municipality of Florence
Massimo Righi (President of the Serie A Volleyball League): “I would like to immediately thank all those who welcomed us and will welcome us for the event at Palazzo Wanny for their hospitality. It is a pleasure for us to return to Florence. Among the protagonists there will be not only several protagonists of the Olympic Games, but also the reigning World Champions, represented by the Italian team that will take the field at Palazzo Wanny. This is a factor that enriches the event’s palmares. The Del Monte® Supercoppa is the kick off of the season that kicks off the 80th Credem Banca Serie A Championship, represented here in Florence by the greatest expressions of men’s volleyball.