Our team manager, Leila Lai, presents us with the first seasonal event.
“We are very happy to be able to remember the memory of Paolo Cois with this prestigious tournament, who contributed so much to the spread of our sport in Sarroch. It will be two days of beautiful volleyball, with three top-level guest teams, with whom it will be interesting to compete in comparison, we will only be in the third week of work, but we have an extraordinary group of guys who, since the first training session, have shown a great desire to work, grow and do the best they can. As a first outing, the match against an A2 team like Cuneo (Saturday at 8pm, ed.) puts us in the position of underdogs, but we are ready to do battle and put everything we have into play at this moment. On Sunday we will still have the opportunity to test ourselves with an equal category between Cagliari and Sorrento, so everything is excellent for putting hay in the farm and starting to write down what we will have to work on the most in the weeks that separate us from our debut in the championship”