Personal Time technical staff has granted two days of rest to the entire group, tomorrow the restart at PalaBarbazza: “The work is progressing well – comments coach Moretti -, we have already done two and a half weeks focused on the physical part and the weight room . Our trainer Trevisan is making the boys work hard and they are responding well. As always happens in this period, there are some small hiccups, but we have plenty of time to recover.”

Personal Time has been largely renewed: “On a technical level I am stimulating the kids on the new game system, those who were already there are obviously already better prepared, those who have recently arrived I find them very receptive and this is a good point of departure. We knew when we contacted them which players they were going to get both on a gaming and human level, everyone is ready to sacrifice and in a period like this this is no small thing. All aspects that confirm that we have worked well during the purchasing campaign.” (33)