Avimecc Volley Modica’s preparation for the Serie A3 championship is proceeding at a high pace and yesterday completed the second week of hard training.

The team alternated athletic work at the “PalaRizza” with work on the sand without neglecting the technical tactical work on the field.

Coach Distefano is satisfied with the blue and white group that is starting to get to know each other and blend together, he no longer thinks about Javier Martinez and looks ahead placing the utmost trust in the group he is training and in the management that is working to cover the box left empty in an unjustified manner by the opposite Italian – Argentine.

“I always like to look at the glass half full – declares coach Enzo Distefano – the second week of preparation was positive for the available roster who trained a lot to put fuel on their legs with the trainers who are making the whole group work hard it responds very well to their requests both on the physical and technical sides. We have started to try the first schemes and the first real game situations in view of the first friendly matches that we will play. As regards the Martinez discussion – he continues – it is clear that the damage he has caused us is great, both for the club and for the team which is preparing to face a complicated and high-level championship like that of the A3 series. We are missing an important piece like that of the opposite, but I remain calm. Beyond the lack of seriousness and the lack of response to Martinez’s call, I have a lot of confidence in the boys I am training because I have the other roles all covered and excellent alternatives which I repeat leave me at peace also because I know that the club is working to fill the box left empty by Martinez and we are evaluating various interesting profiles, it being understood that whoever arrives in the blue and white by regulation will have to miss the first three days of the championship”.

Meanwhile, on Friday 13 September at 8pm, Avimecc Volley Modica will officially present itself to the city at the “Pietro Floridia” auditorium in Piazza Matteotti.

“On Friday the 13th – underlines Distefano – we will present a competitive team to the city, with a group that trusts in each other as it should be and that above all has a lot of enthusiasm, so I invite all our fans and supporters to come and meet us” .

“Next September 20th – concludes Enzo Distefano – we will begin the series of match tests in Catania, where we will be guests of Cosedil, a highly respectable sextet who will play in Serie A2 I believe to have a top championship.