«At the end of the season I will only be satisfied if, alongside the name “Belluno Volley”, the word ‘Serie A’ is combined with a number other than 3». Words and music worthy of an orchestra conductor. And indeed he is: Leonardo Ferrato. The twenty-two-year-old setter, originally from Padua, does not hide his ambitions in view of the volleyball season.

WORK – There is no shortage of conditions to aim high: on paper, if you consider that a deep roster was set up during the summer, enriched by notable names. But also on the pitch, judging from the first training sessions, at the Spes Arena. And with a couple of visits to the Longarone swimming facility: «The preparation is progressing very well – continues Ferrato -. I am satisfied with these two weeks. We’re already pushing a lot and you can feel the work in the legs, but that’s fine.”

CONFIRMATION AND NEWS – In the control room, Ferrato is the confirmation. And Francesco Guizzardi, making his debut in Serie A3 Credem Banca, the news: «I get on very well with Francesco. Since we have equal roles, we often find ourselves working just him and me, separated from the rest of the group. There is harmony between us.”

WORK IN PROGRESS – In the meantime, the first pre-season test is about ten days away. A test that will see coach De Cecco’s boys engaged in Lombardy. And in particular in Cantù, against a superior team like Campi Reali. The Brianza team, in the first two joint training sessions of their journey, clearly defeated (4-0) Acqua San Bernardo Cuneo and Diavoli Rosa Brugherio. Not only that: on the other side of the net there will also be an old acquaintance of the blue and white colors like Marco Novello: the appointment is scheduled for Wednesday 18th. «A group of professionals is being born – concludes the Due Carrare setter -. Or at least, this is what appears at first glance. Because, at the same time, we are all “work in progress” players and kids and not finished athletes. Such a factor helps training and daily coexistence.”