Nicolas Brucini is a twenty-year-old with great hopes, he plays in the role of spiker and has arrived at Personal Time after 3 seasons in Santacroce sull’Arno: “I arrived in San Donà – says Nicolas – by my own will, I wanted to express myself in a reality in which be able to improve. Among the offers received by my agent, the one that enticed me the most was that of Personal Time, and I willingly came to Veneto”.

This pre-season is helping Nicolas to get to know the team and environment better: “I got on well from the first day with the coach and new teammates. We are all young and it seems to me that we all want to train, this is a great thing. On the pitch the team is still raw, but there is ample room for improvement.”

There is a difference between an A2 and an A3 championship: “I will take with me what I tried to steal from my more experienced teammates in recent seasons. I played with elements that placed a lot of attention off the pitch, now I have to get into the professional perspective and Personal Time will help me with this.”

Over the weekend Brucini will play in the finals of the Italian beach volleyball championship in Bellaria Igea Marina paired with Simone Podestà: “I won’t go with many expectations but with the desire to be motivated game by game. However, I want to end the beach volleyball season in the best possible way.”