The Block Devils warm up their engines in view of the first matches of the season! This weekend, president Gino Sirci’s boys will be busy in Poland for the third edition of the “Bogdanka Volley Cup” tournament, which will take place at the Hala Globus in Lublin on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 September. With the group now complete, training continues unabated at PalaEvangelisti, increasing the intensity and workload, both on the field and in the gym. In the weight room, this year too, to “take care of the muscles” of the Italian champions is the athletic trainer Sebastian Carotti, who highlighted first of all the good state of shape in which he found the boys when they returned after the summer break .

«I would say that the preparation is going in the “right” way: first of all, due to the conditions in which the boys found themselves on the first day of the preparation. They arrived in good condition to start working without any problems. This was one of the objectives set during the “post season” which began after a week of rest after game 4 against Monza, until the end of June, where the boys worked to try to reach good conditions to tackle safely and with a reasonable intensity of activities the new season”.

Carotti then underlines the enthusiasm and motivation of the boys, aspects that are generally not lacking at the start of a new season, the predisposition of everyone, when it comes to working, and the curiosity of the new arrivals, who are perhaps getting used to new dynamics and working methods.

«The work in the weight room is oriented towards the development of maximum strength, explosive strength, fast-fast strength (important characteristics for our sport: the idea is that from day one we start working on what is and will be “useful” and “functional” for each individual player and for the team, in order to be ready at the right time).

As told by that phrase that says that “volleyball doesn’t wait for you”, that “every ball counts”; In the area of ​​athletic training, we try to represent that “every exercise counts”, “every set counts”, “every repetition counts”, with the aim that “whatever the type of work we do, we must do it with “QUALITY” and at high INTENSITY, as our sport requires.”