While the team continues to work at a fast pace in an environment full of enthusiasm to prepare for the next A3 series championship under the orders of coach Enzo Distefano and his staff, at Avimecc Modica there is a case of lack of professionalism implemented by the opposite Javier Martinez, who after having signed the contract with the white-blue team last May, without justifying the reason, did not show up for training and thus did not respond to the call-up of the “Cockerels”, thus creating great damage to the County’s sextet, who had bet on him to be the protagonist in the next season.

Having taken note of the behavior that will force the Modica association to return to the market, the Modica management has every intention of taking legal action to enforce the company’s image and to ensure that similar behavior does not go unpunished.

“We did not expect such unprofessional behavior from Martinez – declares president Ezio Aprile – but we take note of this and after having made careful assessments we reserve the right to take legal action against him to protect the image of Avimecc Volley Modica and above all to ensure that this very incorrect behavior does not go unpunished. From the rumors that reach us, in fact, it seems that Martinez, after having signed an agreement in May with Volley Modica, preferred to reach an agreement with a private national broadcaster to participate in a television reality show, voluntarily not respecting the agreement previously ratified with Volley Modica. His membership and transfer to Modica from the club he played for last year was ratified by the League before the closure of the volleyball market, this – he continues – therefore forces us to return to the market to try to make up for his lack of presentation and it causes us great damage because although the squad is complete in all roles and we have full confidence in who will have to replace him in the first seasonal outings we will be forced to start the season with one less element in our roster, because whoever will fill the box left empty by Martinez, it cannot be used before the fourth matchday. We – concludes Ezio Aprile – as a company will report Martinez’s behavior to the competent bodies of FIPAV so that clarity is clarified and the right measures are taken against him”.