Cuneogymnastics and Cuneo Volley, together in the fight against violence against women, have embraced the initiative proposed by the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Office of the Municipality of Cuneo, “adopting” a bench in Constitution Square, giving it new life through a renovation that ‘transformed into a red bench, symbol of the fight against violence against women.

This is the thirty-sixth red bench adopted by local entities, demonstrating the area’s commitment to the fight against violence against women.

«For fifty years we have been growing and training athletes so that they know how to manage and make use of their artistic and rhythmic talent. Our task is also to prepare them to face daily difficulties, but sometimes there are struggles that cannot be faced alone. This renewed bench is intended to be a symbol, a sign that whispers to those who see it that the fight against violence has many supporters, and that we are not alone in facing the battle. I thank Davide and all of Cuneo Volley for accepting our invitation to participate in this initiative of the Cuneo Equality and Anti-Discrimination Office.” – Claudio Adinolfi president of Cuneogymnastics.

«We immediately accepted the invitation of Claudio and Cuneogymnastics to give a tangible sign of our commitment, as individuals and as Cuneo Volley, to the fight against violence against women and we would like to expand it to a fight against all forms of violence. Adopting a bench and returning it to the City with a new message and a new purpose immediately seemed like an excellent initiative to us and this is why we didn’t hesitate to take the field and team up for Cuneo and the citizens.» – Davide Bima general director of Cuneo Volley.

«The red bench that we are inaugurating today is an important sign of the active participation of the world of sport in equality policies and it is wonderful that it is done by two historical realities of our territory that represent two widely practiced sports, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics and volleyball . So thanks to the two companies that enter a field that is fundamental for us as a City, as a community, but even more so as a civil society” – Cristina Clerico, Equality and Anti-discrimination councilor of the Municipality of Cuneo.

The invitation to citizens to participate in the official inauguration which will be held on Saturday 7 September at 6.00 pm in Piazza della Costituzione in Cuneo.

A plaque positioned on the bench like all the others bears the logo of the Anti-Violence Network.