When the team was revolutionized, the Personal Time sports management had to look for a new centre-back. The choice immediately fell on Francesco Fusaro from Veneto from Dolo: “My transfer to San Donà – comments Francesco – is my desire to get back into the game, the team had just made the final to move up and this pushed me to face the season with the Personal Time shirt”.

A few weeks of training, but the first impressions can already be made: “The impact was very positive, I saw a good attitude to work, the group is young and there will be no problems during the year”.

The player is discovering the city of San Donà: “I saw part of the center during the presentation aperitif, it seems like a beautiful town, I’ll have to go back to see it better”.

We look ahead: “Our goal is to maintain the category in the most comfortable way possible, once we have achieved that we do not set limits. By working in the gym we have what it takes to get further satisfaction.”