This afternoon at the IlT Daily Arena the men’s Itas Trentino inaugurated the sixth week of pre-season preparation for 2024/25 with a training session lasting two and a half hours, equally divided between work in the weight room and technique on the central court.
Still without Bristot and Flavio Gualberto (who returned to Brazil last weekend to attend the birth of his son Theo), the European Champion team will be able to continue their program of preparation for the 2024 Super Cup Final Four (21-22 September in Florence) with twelve of the fourteen players of the new squad available, to which are added the baby central Sandu and the Belgian Lecat.
The period of activity that began today includes two double sessions on Tuesday and Thursday, while on Friday there is only one afternoon session, similar to the one held today. Finally, the first seasonal outing is scheduled for Saturday 7 September in Rovereto; at 6pm at the Marchetti sports hall in via Piomarta (tickets still on sale) the team coached by Fabio Soli will challenge the Austrian champions Hypo Tirol Innsbruck in the inaugural test match of the season which will have a strong social value; thanks to the interest and organization of the Rovereto Fortunato Depero Lions Club, Lagaris Volley and the Municipality of Rovereto, the proceeds from the sale of access tickets will be entirely donated to the families of children suffering from onco-haematological diseases being treated at the Trento Hospital .