The fifth week of preparation for Gas Sales Bluenergy Piacenza opened today, with a double work session, which will end on Saturday 7 September with a joint training session scheduled, starting at 5.00 pm, at the PalabancaSport with Modena. And it will be the debut for the red and whites in front of their own audience.

Fifth week of work which includes two joint training sessions: in fact, another one scheduled for Wednesday 4 September in Modena is added to the one scheduled for Saturday 7 September.

Today, after the weights session in the morning, Andrea Anastasi’s men will be engaged in a technique session on the pitch in the afternoon.

To complete the group, only libero Luca Loreti is now missing, playing with the Italian Under 20 national team at the European Category Championships.

Weekly program

Monday: weights and technique, athletics and technique

Tuesday: weights and technique, athletics and technique

Wednesday: rest, joint training in Modena (5.00 pm)

Thursday: weights, rest

Friday: weights and technique, athletics and technique

Saturday: athletics and technique, joint training at PalabancaSport (5.00 pm) with Modena.

Sunday: rest, rest